- Boats and Ships
- Anchors and Ship's Wheels
- Sharks and Rays
- Diving and Fishing
- Dolphins
- Whales and Manatees
- Fish
- Crabs and Lobsters
- Sea Turtles
- Shells, Sand Dollars, & Starfish
- Other Sea-Life
- Diamond Nauticals
Wholesale Collection SlideShows
Use the tabs to navigate between categories, then mouse over a slideshow to reveal arrows that allow you to easily browse left and right through trays
Nautical and Sea-Life Pendants
Sea Opal Collection
- Pendants and Earrings
- Bracelets
- Shells, Sand Dollars, & Starfish
- Sea Life
- Nautical
- Misc.
- Sea Life
- Shells and Sand Dollars
- Nautical
- Hook
- Misc.
Other Charms and Pendants
- Sports
- Religious
- Land Animals
- Lighthouses and BeachThemes
- Location
- Gambling
- Other Charms